Well today I am going to talk about my best friend here in the University. She calls Pia. We knew in the first year of Architecture in 2015. She was the first person I spoke with, here in da FAU. Because when you are new you don´t know anyone. So we started to talk and then we discovered that we have the same workshop and subjects. So we have made the same subjects during a year. We were in the same workgroups and the friendship was growing. Then, at the end of the year, we lost the workshop subject together and we were the only ones of our friends. In 2016 was started a new curricular mesh in architecture so we had to take it. For that reason, we had news subjects and we were the only persons of ours friends. We made new friends but our friendship was special.
The both are from region. I am from La Serena and she is from Los Andes. So we know how is living and studying far away from the family. The first years we live alone but this year we went to live together and that was amazing. We do the works and models together. When we have to stay up we do it together. We listen to music all night and it is impossible to fall asleep.
Most of the time we think and like the same things and that is cool. We do many things together like go to eat, go to party, go to the cinema and others. The last year we go together to a concert. It was amazing and we had a great time. So we have fun together and I hope this friendship continues in the future.
Here is a photo in that concert:


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