Hi bloggers! This is the last blog, so I want to say that it was fun. The blog was a new experience to me. I don´t usually write, but it is interesting that there are places to express themselves like this. It is a place to write about you like. Here I could learn about my classmates that I didn´t known and maybe we have the same tasted. Curious things that maybe I can´t known otherwise and it was a form so that my classmates knew me. I have the opportunity to read so many funny histories about you. The truth is that I don´t really like much write, but when the subject is interesting for me I can express myself. I like this semester, because I enjoyed the subjects of the blogs, like write about my hobbies, my best friend, a great holiday, the things I like to do, about travels I have made or something I want to do in the future. The post I most enjoyed was the post about something I feel passionate: travel. Travel is a theme that I can to talk with anybody. I really like travel and the different ways to travel. Luckily I have had the opportunity to be in different amazing places with, my family. Places that have made me want to know more different Countries. For that I like to know or read personal experience of others and know more. 
I really liked all the topics that I had to write about, maybe the least and most difficult to write was about the Fiestas Patrias holidays, because I didn´t do anything special, mainly enjoy my holidays, so I didn´t have to much to tell about it. It was boring.
A classmate´s blog that I like was the blog about a landmark from Pia. I don´t know Chiloe, but I want it. I like the south of Chile and is interesting the traditional architecture from there. So maybe someday I can go to visit this place.
I think that the blog is a good modern way to learn and practice write in English. To me is sometimes difficult to have a good grammar and write in English is my weakness. But this semester I have practice and I can say that I am better now.

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