
Mostrando las entradas de 2017
Hi bloggers! This is the last blog, so I want to say that it was fun. The blog was a new experience to me. I don´t usually write, but it is interesting that there are places to express themselves like this. It is a place to write about you like. Here I could learn about my classmates that I didn´t known and maybe we have the same tasted. Curious things that maybe I can´t known otherwise and it was a form so that my classmates knew me. I have the opportunity to read so many funny histories about you. The truth is that I don´t really like much write, but when the subject is interesting for me I can express myself. I like this semester, because I enjoyed the subjects of the blogs, like write about my hobbies, my best friend, a great holiday, the things I like to do, about travels I have made or something I want to do in the future. The post I most enjoyed was the post about something I feel passionate: travel. Travel is a theme that I can to talk with anybody. I really like travel and th
Hi bloggers! I have always enjoyed traveling. Luckily I have had the opportunity to be in different amazing places. Places that have made me want to know more different Countries. What catch my attention and interest are the different cultures that exist. For example: beliefs, ways of living, food, history and architecture of course. One can learn a lot from different traditions. Well a city I would like to visit is New York. It is an iconic and a multicultural big city of the Unites States. I like the cities with traditional architecture like Rome, Paris, Barcelona, european city. But I want to visit something different. New York is a modern city with skyscraper. I don´t like them, but the city makes them looks very interesting, it makes me love it. Also there is so many things to do and places to visit like the Central Park, the Brooklyn bridge and the Liberty Enlightening the World. I want to get on the top of the Empire State Building and see the view of the whole city. Maybe visi
Hi! Well I am coming to write about a great holidays I had. In the last summer holidays I traveled to Europe with my father and my brother. We visited so many incredibles places. We were in Spain and France. We stayed one week in Spain and visited Barcelona. It is a beautiful city. I always wanted to go because there are so many architecture. I am an Antoni Gaudí fan. So I saw all his architecture that I could like Casa Milá, Casa Batlló, Park Güell and the Holy Family. The best was the Holy Family. The architecture is extraordinary. I was in many touristics places and w e visited tourist villages in the vicinity too. The most were on the coast. The sea is beautiful but on that date it was winter so It was very cold and nobody were in the beach.  Then we stayed four days in París. It is a big city. There are so many things to see. I saw the whole city from the top of the Eiffel Tower and I was on the Sena River in front of the Tower. I visited the gothic Notre-Dame Cathedral. It is
Hi bloggers! Well I was thinking about a special Meal that I remember. When I was child for Christmas all my mother family eat together at night. We join in my grandmother House. She had a big house with a rooftop and there she had a grill. It was tradition to eat barbecue and all of that things. I liked so much this occasion, because all my mother family was together, my uncles and my cousin. I had a great time with my little brother and my cousin. We play all night and use little flares. It were like small wands that released color lights, we called "magic wands". We really enjoyed it. It was so cool. I like this Meal because all the people was happy, there was good music, dance and delicious food. We eat in the dining room and there was a big table. I remember that for desert always there was at least three different types of ice cream. We always eat late so after the dinner it was Christmas. So for the 00 hour we went to the roof and the old people threw fireworks. In Ur
Well today I am going to talk about my best friend here in the University. She calls Pia. We knew in the first year of Architecture in 2015. She was the first person I spoke with, here in da FAU. Because when you are new you don´t know anyone. So we started to talk and then we discovered that we have the same workshop and subjects. So we have made the same subjects during a year. We were in the same workgroups and the friendship was growing. Then, at the end of the year, we lost the workshop subject together and we were the only ones of our friends. In 2016 was started a new curricular mesh in architecture so we had to take it. For that reason, we had news subjects and we were the only persons of ours friends. We made new friends but our friendship was special. The both are from region. I am from La Serena and she is from Los Andes. So we know how is living and studying far away from the family. The first years we live alone but this year we went to live together and that was amazing